GymPet Screen

Your Personal Fitness Companion: Always |

GymPet is a habit formation tracker and fitness companion app designed to help you build a healthier lifestyle. Join our community today and start your fitness journey with a fun and interactive experience.


Tracker Icon
Habit Formation Tracker
Joystick Icon
Gamified Experience
Goal Icon
Interactive Goal Setting
Privacy Icon
Privacy First Approach
Workout Icon
Custom Workout Routines
Lion Icon
Virtual Pet Companion
Fire Icon
Consistency Metrics


Join our official app Discord community today! Engage with a vibrant group of enthusiasts, get the latest updates, and influence the app's evolution with your feedback. Beyond just connecting, it's your hub for insider information, support, and collaboration opportunities. Don't miss your chance to shape our app's future, together! 🚀

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I have dedicated myself to building and maintaining this application independently, bearing all associated costs, particularly for the database and leaderboards. If you're enjoying the app, your support would be immensely appreciated. While contributions are entirely optional, even a small donation can make a big difference. This project is a labor of love, offered completely free of charge and without ads. Your support ensures its continued development and maintenance. Thank you for considering.